Thursday, 1 January 2015

2015 - And Here we Are

I am so completely awed in the ability of God to make time pass by so rapidly, The beginning of January 2015 has already come, and with God's guidance I truly believe this year, in all happiness and challenges, we can be assured that The LORD will be with us and help us to maintain a perfect peace that exceeds all of the physical things we will see in the future. I was asked to do a poem for my church's end of year celebration on the 31st and I was so thrilled , I knew that it need to be something significant, it was some of the last words people would be hearing in that year. I procrastinated for a while, but I finally wrote it the night before, I really needed inspiration. And I believe I received it ~Thank You God~  In the end, the poem went really well, and as long as it inspired people and aided them even a little in stepping into the presence of God, then that's what matters.
2014 was a year and a half in many regards. But... #bringon2015

And so the day is here, the last one of the year,
Its been good for some, but yet the none are wishing it reappear.
For January till June seemed to end so soon,
The crisp winter mornings, and high sun at noon.
Its the grace of The Father that from July till now -
We've been guided on this journey. Someway and Somehow.

There's been many a day, that we couldn't see the light,
But God guided us in the day and kept us in the night.
The darkness of circumstances couldn't keep Him away from us,
Everything in the earth is His, we reign in Him victorious -
Enemies tried to knock us down, but here today we stand.
We can trust in the Rock, so gentle and true,
- for our times are in His hands.

Double blessings have come,
And double blessings have gone.
But in the end - And in our hearts, He has given us a song.
The double valleys were worth it for on the highest peak we stand.
A double source of strength He gave , to enter into the promised land.
The double blessings came to us, but in unexpected ways,
Who knew we would find dependence in the most fragile times and days.

In long suffering patience, the ability to endure.
In chaos a warmth of peace, a trust in Him we're sure.
The double blessings weren't solely found in
What the world sees as best.
The trial you may have seen,
Is nothing but a test ...

Am I what I used to be ?
Have I learnt the ways shown ?
Is my character of good quality ? Do I have strength and backbone ?

Our pursuit is Jesus He is the goal unseen,
Our double blessing is our reward in Him.
Bring on 2015.

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