Friday, 19 July 2019

God is worth Trusting

I don't even know where to start , it has been the longest time since I've posted anything on here, But I always used to find it so calming and expressive. I know it enriched my life to see my words on a screen and out -of-my-mind so to speak.I could try and catch up with my life for the next two pages. But I shan't. Alot has happened in this year so far. I had my second graduation, launched a social enterprise, completed some amazing projects at work, started lifting, turned 23 , renovated our house (still happening), and soooo much more.

Its been good.

Its been busy -

Its been a goodbusy few months.

But very exciting. I've also started really desiring to invest into my younger sisters at church , I'm at a place whereby I feel like I can time-wise. Although, I seem to be forgetting that I need to be even closer to God when I'm getting closer to others in way of pouring into them. So I must focus on that.

Here's a poem I sent to a few of my favourite little sisters in Christ recently.

God is worth trusting.

And though our lives may need adjusting.

Make no mistake of His love.

Although sin He is not permitting of.

But perfection is not what He asks

He just doesn’t want pretence or masks.

He loves us in the struggle, He helps us in the fight. He wants your deep exclusivity - He wants with you to be tight.

So do everyday with Him.

Think of Him from the start.

He only asks for one thing ,

A committed and honest heart.