Thursday, 2 April 2015

So it's the 2nd of April - and exactly 1 year since I began this journey with all of you through poetry and lyrical words.
I absolutely do not believe it;
My how things can change in a year.
My scope of time has changed over time, and I am beyond sure that with time , ie: the older you become, the quicker time flies by.
I'm not going to write a poem today, I'm literally just going to Give Thanks, first of all, to God for His amazing ability to work through words to touch hearts and lives all over the world.
My prayer is that, no matter who you are, and what pre-conception and definition you may have of the world, that the words God leads me to write, will impact you in ways I could never ask or think. [Ephesians 3'20].
I'm also aware that not everyone that may be a reader of this blog is a follower of Jesus yet.
I sincerely realise that,  and I hope that the indirect messages presented throughout all my stanzas will lead you to a place of clarity ad light.

If you would have told me a year ago, what #DoPoetry would have become , I would have completely laughed at the thought, but God makes BEAUtiful things out of nothing and this blog hass been a great personal help throughout some of the biggest changes in my life.
The magnitude of it all is totally, and completely beyond me
 God bless you all Xxxx